Calendar Girl July 2011: Abbey Clancy

FHM must really like Abbey Clancy (or maybe she is cheap to hire for photoshoots) as she features again in this year's calendar, as she did in 2010. 

As such we have already featured her here so don't need to delve into her Scouse background again.

Ms Clancy was much in the news recently due to her marriage to oversized footballer Peter Crouch.  This was despite him allegedly cheating on her with silicone busted, teenage, Spanish prostitute Monica Mint (!).  How are we going to find out such important world-shaking news without the News of the World?

Monica Mint: £800 an hour, apparently

Mint said that Crouch had horrible shoes and wasn't attractive (unlike the £800 he had to pay for an hour with her) but she said he was a "nice person" (which we are sure Abbey was pleased to hear).

Luckily for Crouch, Clancy forgave him and she gave birth to their daughter in March this year. They got married at the end of June and paid for all 200 guests to stay in the country house hotel where the wedding took place.  They gain some points for not selling pictures of their wedding to a celebrity magazine.

Despite having given birth only 14 weeks before Clancy looked admirably trim in her rather tastelsss £10,000 wedding dress.  The strapless Giles Deacon confection caused a minor nipple slip as she thrust her bouquet into the air, much to the amusement of her gangling spouse.

Unlike many WAGS, who are largely a triumph of presentation over content,  Abbey is a very atractive woman so no doubt we will be seeing more of her again.

We still can't get around the Liverpool origins, however.